Terms and Conditions for Enrollment in Syndicate ApS’ Courses and Facilitator Forum Membership

Our Courses and Educations

We offer three different types of courses and educations as standard:

On-demand courses. These are pre-recorded video courses accessed via a link we send to the participant. An on-demand course can be accessed by the participant as long as we offer it.

Online live courses. These live courses are held online at the specified time and typically cannot be accessed afterward.

Physical courses and educations. These courses and educations are held at the specified location and time and typically cannot be accessed online.

Additionally, we also offer private courses and educations, which are tailored to the specific company and can be held at the company’s premises or online from our professional TV studio.

Prices and Payment

All prices for our courses are exclusive of VAT.

The prices include catering during the instruction period for our physical courses and educations. Any accommodation and additional catering in connection with our courses and educations are the participants’ responsibility to arrange and pay for, regardless of the duration.

Courses are paid either at registration with a card or via invoice, which is sent to the person specified in the payment information. The payment deadline for on-demand courses is 8 days, and for other courses, it is normally 30 days from the invoice date, but no later than the day before the course is held. For late payment, interest of 1% per month will be charged until payment is made.

If payment is not received before a course is held, we reserve the right to exclude the registered person or persons from participating in the course in question. For on-demand courses on our website, the link to access the course is only sent once payment is received.

We reserve the right to cancel a course registration if payment is not made on time.


Cancellation is not possible for our on-demand courses. For these courses, our satisfaction guarantee applies, see below.

You can cancel our other courses without cost up to 8 weeks before the first course day. Later cancellations can be made up to 4 weeks before the first course day with a payment of 50% of the course fee. If cancellation occurs less than 4 weeks before the first course day, the full price is paid. Customized corporate courses and educations can always be canceled without cost up to 4 weeks before the first course day.

Cancellations are made via email to info@syndicate.dk

Satisfaction Guarantee

For our on-demand courses (but not for online live courses or physical courses and educations), we offer a satisfaction guarantee. This means that no later than 14 days after you have paid for an on-demand course, you can write to us at info@syndicate.dk and request a refund. In the email, you must explain why you are dissatisfied and provide your contact information so we can potentially contact you for further details. This allows us to improve in the future. For on-demand courses that end with a certification, the satisfaction guarantee can only be exercised before you begin the certification.

Course Changes

We continuously develop our courses, and therefore, there may be changes in course descriptions or instructors. These will be reflected on syndicate.dk.

We also reserve the right to change the time and location of the course and to cancel a planned course. All registered participants will be directly informed of such changes.

If we cancel a course, the participant will be notified as soon as possible before the first course day. If we cancel a course, we will refund the paid course fee in full.

If we change the course location or time and the participant is unable to attend the course as a result, the participant will be offered participation in another course of the same value. Additionally, the participant can make use of their right to cancel participation in the changed course under the conditions specified in the "Cancellation" section.

Regardless of the reason for the cancellation or change of a course, Syndicate ApS is not responsible for participants' potential expenses for travel, hotels, etc. in connection with a canceled or changed course.

Facilitator Forum Membership

Membership of Syndicate ApS Facilitator Forum is valid for one year from the date of purchase and entitles participation in events as described on syndicate.dk/facilitator-forum. The membership cannot be terminated during the paid period.

We reserve the right to exclude registered persons from participation in Facilitator Forum if payment is not received on time.

Personal Data

Syndicate ApS processes the personal data we receive in connection with a course registration, which is necessary for us to manage the registration. This typically involves information about the participant's contact details, employer, job title, and payment information. For courses via our website, we also process information about the participant’s IP address.

We use this information for the administration of the registration and any follow-up individually or in network groups, as well as for evaluation after the course is held. Some information, such as name and email address, is included on participant lists and in common forums shared with other participants.

Our processing of personal data is based on the following provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): the participant’s consent, see GDPR Article 6, 1. (a); GDPR Article 6, 1. (b), as the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract, and GDPR Article 6, 1. (f), as we have a legitimate interest in organizing and managing our courses.

When the information is no longer necessary for the mentioned purposes, we delete it unless we are obligated under Danish law to retain it for a longer period.

We disclose the information to the persons and companies we collaborate with in connection with the execution of our courses, etc., and to third parties who process the information on our behalf and with whom we therefore have a data processing agreement. In certain cases, we may also be required to disclose the information to public authorities.

If the information is disclosed to third parties outside the EU, we ensure that this is done in accordance with GDPR rules, including by using the EU Commission's standard terms for transfers of personal data to third countries.


Alle priser på Syndicate er opgivet i danske kroner og er inklusive alle skatter og afgifter men eksklusive moms. Betalingsgebyr afregnes efter PBS’ tilladte satser for den pågældende korttype og er inkluderet i priserne.


Efter afholdt kursus sender vi en faktura til den person der er angivet under betalingsinformation ved tilmeldingen.

Framelding (fortrydelsesret)

Framelding > 3 uger før første kursusdag: Der betales ikke for kurset.
Framelding 2-3 uger før første kursusdag: Der betales 50% af kursusgebyret.
Framelding < 2 uger før første kursusdag: Tilmeldingen er bindende og der betales fuld pris.

Framelding foregår pr. mail til info@syndicate.dk


Vi udvikler løbende vores kurser, og der kan derfor forekomme ændringer i kursusbeskrivelserne. Eventuelle ændringer bliver offentliggjort og opdateret på syndicate.dk. Vi forbeholder os ret til at ændre tid, kursussted, pris, underviser og indhold samt ret til at aflyse et kursus, såfremt deltagerantallet bliver mindre end forudsat. Ved aflysning eller væsentlige ændringer får den enkelte deltager besked direkte til den e-mailadresse, der er opgivet ved tilmelding.


Ved vores åbne kurser er frokost, kaffe og forfriskninger inkluderet i kursusprisen (gælder dog ikke ved online kurser).

Håndtering af personoplysninger

Vi distribuerer ikke persondata herunder ved, men ikke begrænset til, indirekte/direkte salg, videregivelse, udlejning og/eller overdragelse. Data opbevares kun til brug for det givne salg og jf. årsregnskabsloven, og enhver bruger kan rette kontakt og få agtindsigt i det registrerede. Din e-mail vil alene blive anvendt i overensstemmelse med Markedsføringslovens § 6 litra a (og vi bestræber os på kun at sende et minimum vedr. det pågældende salg).

Brug af teknologi

Syndicate anvender cookies til løbende at overvåge aktiviteter på websitet, herunder al kommunikation, som løbende bliver læst og logget. Der anvendes også cookies på hjemmesiden med det formål at kunne give dig en bedre oplevelse. Ved accept giver du samtykke til Syndicate U's brug af sådan teknologi.

Samtykke til behandling af øvrige oplysninger

Som bruger giver du samtykke til, at Syndicate må behandle øvrige oplysninger, herunder kundenummer, brugernavn, password, IP-adresse, login, logintidspunkter (år-måned-dagtime-minut) samt øvrige interaktioner med Syndicates server, herunder kopiering af tekster og billeder, loginfrekvenser. Oplysningerne videregives ikke til tredjemand.

Samtykke til markedsføring pr. e-mail

Som bruger giver du endvidere samtykke til, at Syndicate må fremsende e-mails, herunder markedsføring af egne eller tredjemands produkter eller ydelser.